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Behringer UB-Xa - "Cinematica" Soundset 100 Presets

The Legend is Back!

Famous Oberheim OB-Xa synthesizer, the icon of soundtracks of 80's now reborn, thanks to Behringer - UB-Xa is here!

With lots of additions: poly aftertouch, usb-midi, 512 program slots, CC & complex matrix.

Introducing "Cinematica" soundset with 100 new sounds - Singles, Splits,Doubles with mod wheel & aftertouch controllers applied.

Imagine UB-Xa as a Hero of Action Film. How it can sound? Warm? Authentic? 
Add famous sounds & you are here.

Introducing: “Cinematica” soundset with one of the deepest patches you heard on UB-Xa.

By Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of “Organica” for Waldorf Blofeld & “WS Universe” for Korg Wavestation.

Inside the pack:

  • Leads
  • Basses
  • Arps
  • Sequences
  • Pads
  • Strings
  • Keys & Poly's

Get ready for the new soundtrack ideas with your UB-XA & “Cinematica” pack!

PDF Booklet with detailed instructions of how to load & use Splits & Doubles included.

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